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Protecting oneself from cold on the snow

Snow is wonderful but very cold.

For this reason, we have to get equipped with some mountain technical underwear that can protect us right right from the first contact with the skin.

Men’s skiing thermal underwear, for example, as any other outdoor activity garment, is designed to expel the possible accumulated sweat, pushing it to towards the fabric external surface.

At the same time it provides you with an adequate protection from cold.

Sporty clothing role, therefore, is always fundamental for the body well being in particular if there are some particularly rigid conditions to bear.

Choosing underwear well, in particular underwear for snow, will help us to defend ourselves from high altitude cold dangers.

How to do?

Let’s find it out together!

Useful suggestions to choose mountain underwear

If there’s one thing a garment should be able to do is to protect our skin properly.

Breathability is, in fact, the technical underwear main feature that guarantees an appropriate body protection from vapor dispersion emitted during the physical activity.

This quality, unique in its kind, permits to expel moisture and sweat produced during the physical activity. The sporty garments composition fabric, in fact, works in those zones that are subject to liquids gathering.

Try to imagine, for example, to have a trekking day, to climb or ski as you love.

What would happen to your agility if your feet started sweating heavily?

We suppose it wouldn‘ t be easy to end you day without repercussions.

To avoid inconveniences like this, some garments have been specifically designed to resist common body efforts and movements during a more or less intense physical effort.

Think about the long-sleeved jersey, the tights, any accessory to protect neck, head, hands or women’ s and men’s skiing socks.

The most used composition material is polypropylene: absolutely the best synthetic fiber

This fiber fiber retains heat, but doesn’t absorb liquids, it is very light, ecological, nonallergic, withstands dirt has a very good permeability to vapor.

Breathability: here’s why it is so important

In reality, not all sportsmen request the same breathability for their garments.

According to you, how much water vapor can our body produce in an hour?

Answering this question helps us understand the breathability level we request to our garments is not the same for everybody.

During breaks we produce about ml vapor, during a physical activity we produce 1 liter, during a marathon we produce more or less 4 liters.

This means women’s and men’s sporty undewear of an occasional skier could also not guarantee the breathability requested for a pro skier underwear.

How do I understand if a garment has the right breathability?

How is it possible to orient oneself in the right underwear choice?

First of all, it is important to know vapor is measured in gr.

The formula is: gr/m2 24h

Specifically, it measures quantity of vapor that gets through a meter squared fabric over the considered 24 hours.

It should be kept in mind that, the higher the indicated breathability values are, the higher the garment capacity to be waterproof and breathable will be.

At this point, we are able to determine that:

  • for excellent results of Top Performance type, it is better to choose garments that have grammage that overcomes 12.000 gr/mq/24h;
  • for optimal performances at High Perfomance breathability value can be around 10.000 gr/mq/24h in particular, if we talk about a long exposure to very rigid temperatures;
  • for performances Sport Performance that are relatively good, the breathability value can be around 5.000 gr/mq/24h.

But it isn’t over.

A high level mountain underwear is also themoisolating.

In other words, it must maintain the body temperature stable and protect us from external climate conditions that can alter it.

It is better if it is comfortable and waterproof.

Besides jerseys, we remind you there’s the possibility to wear tights suitable for the snow under the classical skiing suit.

There’s no doubt about the fact that all these features together will be able to guarantee us protection even when we skiing on the snow.

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