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Technical sports underwear since 1990

Stefano Ghisini - MTB - Summer

Stefano and Pier test themselves in Regizer Spitz Trail with Biotex per latest product: the RIBBED Ultra Jersey Short Sleeve.
The Regitzer Spitz is one of the first peaks to climb in Winter.

The landscape is awesome.

Such a "tiny mountain", but with an impressive view, that dominates the Reno Valley.

Carlotta Montanera - Bike & Running

The clothing of the Italian brand Biotex is developed for sportsmen and takes adavantage of fibers with high quality characteristcs.

I will explain you these garments properties in this brief review.

Stefano Ghisini - MTB - Winter

For relentless cyclists that don't get stopped by cold autmun and winter days, it is fundamental to get dressed properly with a specific clothing for cycling, mtb or generally outdoor sports.

A new TRAIL, around 40 km at 1500 meters of height, quite demanding but with a great view.

Un nuovo TRAIL,  intorno ai 40 km 1500 metri di dislivello, piuttosto impegnativo però molto panoramico.

Carlotta Montanera - Thermal jersey: why should you put it on?

Let's talk about warmth: why is it fundamental in the cold season? I alternate two Biotex garments, the 3D turtlenck baselaye for midseason and the limitless turtleneck baslayerfor whne it is really cold.

Ill talkyou about it.

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