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The best jersey (or the outfit) to practice MTB also in the coldest month

Practicing MTB in winter?

Dangerous if not well equipped

What shoud you get equipped with?

Gamernts made of polypropylene

Winter and Mountain Bike - the combination for the adventourous biker

Mountain Bike is born with reckless pedals, in mountains, on unbeaten paths, in climbings and downhills

In winter, cycling with the mountain bike can be fascinating, but it also hides its pitfalls.

Hostile climate, snowy peaks and unpracticable roads force to have the maximum attention for every aspect, starting from the garment choice.

MTB clothing -  What should you choose?

Escursioni, pedalate rocambolesche e sentieri: l'abbigliamento da mountain bike esige il massimo del comfort. Hikes, exciting bike rides and paths: mtb clothing calls for the maximum comfort.

If we unite the unavoidable sweat due to the effort with the rigid climate of the coldest months, the outfit plays a crucial role

The winter mtb clothing must be practical, comfortable, light and capable of keeping you warm.

In addition, it must be breathable, otherwise sweat will compromise the sporty performance.

MTB clothing fabric - which to choose

The technical clothing has to be conjugated with the right fibers for the maximum pracitcality and comfort.

Therefore, a fabric that must be avoided is cotton, because of its peculiarity: it is hydrophylic

This means water, in this case, sweat can be absorbed making wet, smelling and uncomfortable.

Sweating during a mountain bike ride is unavoidable at any temperature, in winter, nevertheless, it can be very dangerous.

Synthetical fibers are suggested, in particular the polypropylene, the king fabric of in a sportsman's wardrobe

 What features make it perfect for MTB?

The polypropylene is isolant and breathable.

Needless to say, a jersey made of polypropylene can protect chest, arms, back and shoulders well from cold.

It is very effective at constrasting sweat because it expels it, leting the skin breathe

Moreover, it isn't a heavy fabric, it eases any movement while cycling, it is tender on the skin and doesn't wick moisture. 

Another peculiarity is beign endowed with a durable compactness to any kind of impact, it doesn't wear easily.

It must be preferred for a long-time use, it isn't chosen for disposale garmetns right after the MTB ride, because it is no source of odours and antibacterical, two details that should not be neglected in garments choice to ride a mountain bike.

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