8th March – International Women’s Day

8th March – International Women’s Day
This anniversary, one of the most world’s important, is also more relevant for us.
Do you know why?
Biotex is a reality, offspring of only women’s work, women that with tenaciousness and determinaction cooperate every single day to promote high quality items in a maret featured mainly by masculine competitors.
We are mothers, sisters, aunts, committed not only to our families care and our sons’ and daughters’ upbringing, but also practitioners that reach their goals and distinguish ourselves for a unique characterisic:
the high grade expertise whereby we meet the demands of also the most-demanding customer.
We have this luck, we have chosen our jobs, our partners and followed our aspirations, natural offspring of pf our deepest passions.
In the world, nevertheless, not all women, because of many reasons such as culture and religion, don’t have neither the owed consideration nor the possibility to express themselves freely and follow their own dreams, it doesn’t matter if they are huge or tiny, they are, instad, obliged to do certain jobs and carry out specific tasks without any chance to become who they really dream of, therefore are ewornlgy seen as week.
Instead, women are strong!
Yes, they are!
We are aware of the power within every woman and her own potentialities, for this we support for them fully as they reach thier goals and promote the defence of thier rights, to make eevery womasn free.
Biotex, first of all, is the offspring of enterprise, tenaciousness, style and pire willl of women, that know what they want and are determined to get it.
Happy International Women’s Day, we are on your side ;)
For sportswomen, in particular, we recommend these garments to keep in shape and practice own favourite sport without thoughts.