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Breast support when you practice physical activity: the suitable garments for you

When you practice outdoor physical activity or in the gym, it is important to wear the suitable technical clothing, it has to be practical and comfortable and capable of expelling sweat.

For activities such as fitness, cycling, running and other sports it has vital importance the underwear carefully, why it is the layer that’s in contact with the skin and therefore has to be nonallergic, soft, light and guarantee great breathability.

Sports bra: comfort and support when you practice sport

Particularly women that practice sport, know how uncomfortable it can be not to wear the right bra, because it doesn’t guarantee the right support when you run or do exercise with gym tools or free body exercises, so it becomes necessary to identify the most appropriate model.

A sports bra must be made of technical fabrics that guarantee great wearability, so it has to adhere to the body curves, it doesn’t have to squeeze but support the breast in a uniform way.

To be sure about the model choice, we suggest to opt for seamless models purchase, that are like a second skin and distinguish themselves for their softness and lightness.

We suggest you to choose the size of the bra you are used to wearing and not choose smaller sizes, because they would compress the breast too much and wouldn’t ease the movements during physical activity.

The design of sports bras models characterizes for a simple and essential line with an elastic band to support the breast and crossed braces on the back to prevent it fro moving during the most intense trainings

Perfect fabrics for sporty underwear

Identifying sporty underwear isn’t as easy as it may seem, because when you practice physical activity, you sweat much and your beloved fabrics may not be suitable.

Cotton, which is preferred by many because of its softness and lightness, isn’t t suitable for sport underwear that has to be also very breathable.

The perfect material for sports bras is polypropylene, a synthetic fiber that guarantees a great thermal comfort and, overall, guarantees perfect breathability, to always assure dry and well hydrated skin.

This special fiber can provide you with the right comfort both during physical activity and breaks, moreover it is very light and elastic, ideal for all sports.

Among the many points of strengths of technical underwear made of polypropylene, it is necessary to underline that this fabric supports your breast correctly and releases the moisture to outside, it therefore prevents excessive sweat from staying on the skin.

What are you waiting for?

You don’t need anymore, to google thermal underwear suggestions, choose your bra, go, run, jump, have fun!

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